Anticheating proctors’ outstaff for exams and tests
+7 (495) 160-65-74
Certified anticheating check during exams/tests
$3.5 USD per hour
- 3 weeks trained proctors
- for any load from 10 up to 10 000 tests per day
- online or post-proctoring
- 3 steps check at all stages

Why do you need proctoring outstaff

There are 3 options of anticheating check of online exams and tests:

  • To use your employee for proctoring taking him off his duties — expensive, unproductive and demotivating.
  • To hire and teach employees — you won’t be able to load them enough and the majority of time they will be idle.
  • To outstaff proctors who will be observing broadcast, who knows what to pay attention to and who detect all cases of cheating and fraud.
  • Order proctoring
    For small check several days before. For big check (from 5000 tests) 14-30 days before
  • Align work-plan
    detailed in terms of days, hours, number of tests
  • Appoint proctors
    we provide you with list of them, online accesses and connection tests
  • Start of exam
    There are always settings details which are clarified fast at start of exam
  • Prompt communication
    regarding found cheating cases as well as other important incidents
  • Everyday detailed reports
    with comments and found violations
What you get
  • Required numbers of proctors after professional 3 weeks training and hundreds of check experience
  • Guarantee that over 99,9% of cheating cases will be identified as well as timeline accuracy and quality control
  • Great software knowledge due to close co-operation with software company
  • The ability to customize number of proctors depending of your demand and not to waste time in case of in-house proctors
  • You don’t need to take your employees of their duties and to train them specific proctoring knowledge
- Listening to sound and watching participant’s screen, as well as additional side camera viewing
- Participants’ questions answering via chat
- Particpant’s identity verification
- Typical violations check such as unauthorized person around, working phones, cheating attempts and others
Sometimes there’s need for additional actions like train customers’ employees
This should be discussed and payed separately.
Base rate $3.5 USD per hour includes:
Full service description you can request via form or e-mail
Additional services
Detailed service description and prices
Proctors professional training
- Training is done with test data with final software and real cases from experience
- We are interviewing more than 1000 people per year, choose the most responsible and attentive ones
- We do 3 weeks training on our premises
You need specific proctors skills?
Let’s discuss +7 (495) 160-65-74 (Mon - Fri from 9 to 20)
Work formats
online real time check its possible to prevent cheating
it's possible to combine
is easier organized and customized to any scale
Proctors observe and record in the system all cases of breaking rules in real time and make report after exam.
Proctors look through the video of completed test. Register check results in the system. Then they describe all cases found on video in report.
For whom
Corporate training
Universities and colleges
Additional education
Depends on business specific. Sometimes it’s professional development courses, sometimes it’s regular check of knowledge.
It’s common to have several periods of intensive load with thousands of tests. From 1 to 2-5 exams every day.
There are different format per duration as well as test structure. It has to be very accurate communication cause students pay money.
About ETS
We have more than 4 years of experience and our process of employees preparation and control is on the professional level. The company train and assign to work more than 1000 proctors per year, each of them has gone through training as well as numbers of test tasks before go to the customer.
More than 4 years on the market of exams and tests
More that 1 000 000 of verified test
Cooperation with software producers
Proctors professional training
Appoint meeting to discuss order
We come to you, describe our service in details, the process of communication and answer your specific questions.
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